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of various aspects of the

  • 61 historical

    •• historic, historical, historically

    •• * Существование в английском языке двух слов – historic и historical – имеет два противоречащих друг другу следствия. Во-первых, в устной речи нередко смешение этих слов. Мне приходилось слышать, как о событии, еще не «ушедшем в историю» и даже еще не состоявшемся, говорили It is/ will be a/ an historical event. Конечно, правильнее в данном случае historic или history-making. Но и historical event тоже правильно в определенных контекстах:
    •• What historical event do you wish you could stop? If you could go back in time and prevent anything in history from having happened ( as opposed to just passively watching it happen), what particular incident in history would you most want to stop from happening and is there any reason why? (c сайта http://uplink.space.com).
    •• С другой стороны, иногда различие между этими словами существенно и должно учитываться переводчиком. Слово historical, как мне кажется, шире русского исторический, так как охватывает все, что имеет отношение к прошлому, а русское слово – только то, что говорящий интуитивно относит к «истории», т.е. к историческому процессу, «историческим судьбам» и т.п. Русское слово часто, хотя и не всегда, «возвышенней». Среди исключений – например, словосочетание историческая справка. И все же более «бытовой» характер английского слова позволяет употреблять его в тех ситуациях, где говорящий по-русски скорее всего скажет иначе.
    •• В выступлении Кондолисы Райс перед комиссией по расследованию событий 11 сентября это слово встретилось пять раз, плюс historically в значении, о котором будет сказано ниже:
    •• Historically, democratic societies have been slow to react to gathering threats, tending instead to wait to confront threats until they are too dangerous to ignore or until it is too late. – Исторический опыт (или просто опыт) свидетельствует о том, что...
    •• Далее Райс трижды употребляет это слово в отношении документа, представленного президенту Бушу 6 августа 2001 года (о возможных действиях «Аль-Каиды»):
    •• I was in a press conference to try and describe the Aug. 6 memo, which I’ve talked about here in the – my opening remarks and which I talked about with you in the private session. And I said at one point that this was a historical memo, that it was not based on new threat information. <...>
    •• It was not a particular threat report. And there was historical information in there about – about various aspects of al Qaeda’s operations. <...> It did not warn of attacks inside the United States. It was historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information. And it did not, in fact, warn of any coming attacks inside the United States.
    •• Один из членов комиссии (демократ) ухватился за эту формулировку:
    •• Well, did you not – you have indicated here that this was some historical document. And I am asking you whether it is not the case that you learned in the P.D.B. memo of Aug. 6 that the F.B.I. was saying that it had information suggesting that preparations, not historically, but ongoing, along with these numerous full field investigations against al Qaeda cells, that preparations were being made consistent with hijackings within the United States.
    •• Конечно, по-русски в данном случае просто невозможно сказать исторический документ, хотя можно – историческая справка, но предпочтительно все же, по-моему, справочный материал, справочная информация. В вопросе – not historically, but ongoing – возможен вариант не в историческом разрезе, а в текущем плане.
    •• Далее у Райс интересная оговорка, тут же исправленная:
    •• This was a historic memo – historical memo prepared by the agency because the president was asking questions about what we knew about the inside.
    •• Исправление оговорки – признак существенного различия двух слов. (Кстати, в качестве антонима historical появляется слово, неоднократно всплывавшее в ходе слушаний и не поддающееся однословному переводу, – actionable:
    •• The president was told this is historical information. I am told he was told this is historical information. And there was nothing actionable in this. The president knew that the F.B.I. was pursuing this issue. The president knew that the director of central intelligence was pursuing this issue. And there was no new threat information in this document to pursue.
    •• Actionable information – пока не могу предложить ничего кроме информация, требующая/ дающая основания для конкретных действий. Длинно.)
    •• Конечно, «оппозиция Его Величества» не замедлила поиграть со словом historical. Из редакционной статьи New York Times:
    •• The administration argument that it had only gotten intelligence about potential terrorist attacks abroad in the summer of 2001 was rather drastically undermined when Ms. Rice revealed, under questioning, that the briefing given Mr. Bush by the C.I.A. on Aug. 6, 2001, was titledBin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States.Ms. Rice continues to insist that the information was historicalrather than a warning of something likely to occur.
    •• Еще более хлестко (но абсолютно неизбежно, удержаться от игры слов невозможно):
    •• What should have made Condi hysterical, she deemedhistorical.” (Maureen Dowd)
    •• Последний пример, кстати, заставляет все-таки выбрать в переводе вариант историческая справка, чтобы попробовать передать игру слов, но все равно сделать это непросто:
    •• Информация, способная вызвать истерическую реакцию, для Конди – не более чем историческая справка.
    •• А теперь о наречии historically. Словари – как толковые, так и переводные, – как правило, не дают отдельного определения или перевода наречий с - ly, считая, что все и так ясно – их смысл и перевод вытекают из соответствующего прилагательного. Но это далеко не всегда так. В статье из New York Times, попавшей в обзор зарубежной прессы на радио «Эхо Москвы», встретилось: Iran has historically denied that it is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Ведущая так и сказала: Иран исторически отрицал (и т.д.). Здесь, конечно, нужно просто всегда или неизменно. В некоторых случаях хорошо подойдет русское наречие традиционно: historically black colleges – традиционно негритянские колледжи (здесь это прилагательное, по-моему, вполне приемлемо), historically underutilized businesses – компании, традиционно недопредставленные среди подрядчиков, historically disadvantaged – традиционно находящиеся в тяжелом положении. Иногда подходящее русское соответствие – по многолетним наблюдениям ( This is not uncommon historically for the month of April). Наконец, контекст может подсказать и такой вариант, как беспрецедентно: Historically high growth in employment.
    •• Интересный пример из статьи У. Пфаффа в International Herald Tribune:
    •• Historically, in joint ventures with U.S. government and industry, U.S. security and proprietary restraints nearly always have forced the European partners into subordinate roles.
    •• Здесь самый лучший перевод – просто раньше, прежде.
    •• Слово historically, на мой взгляд, не является многозначным, у него одно довольно широкое и несколько расплывчатое значение, но в переводе оно начинает играть своими различными гранями. Разумеется, в приведенном выше примере возможен и перевод Исторически сложилось так, что...
    •• В отличие от historically наречие indefinitely дается в большинстве словарей (например, в БАРСе и ABBYY Lingvo) как отдельная словарная статья. Но упущено довольно частое употребление indefinitely в значении, близком к until further notice. Пример из New York Times:
    •• Thomas Krens, the foundation director, acknowledged as unrealistic the prospect of financing the $950 million project at a time when the museum is cutting budget, staff and programs. Beginning Sunday, for example, the Guggenheim Las Vegas is to go dark indefinitely.
    •• Перевод напрашивается: на неопределенный срок. Кстати, to go dark – есть ли это в словарях? Обычно так говорят, когда, скажем, музей, театр или web-сайт прерывают работу на некоторое время – с возможностью ее возобновления.
    •• Еще один пример интересного с точки зрения перевода и лексикографии употребления наречия (для контекста даю несколько предшествующих фраз):
    •• After months of inaction, I finally turned to former President Bush, who immediately interceded with Crown Prince Abdallah on the FBI’s behalf. <...> The Saudis immediately acceded. <...> Mr. Bush typically disclaimed any credit for his critical intervention, but he earned the gratitude of many FBI agents and the Khobar families. (American Justice for Khobar Heroes. By Louis J. Freeh. Wall Street Journal)
    •• Typically здесь нельзя переводить как типично или даже что для него типично. В каких-то случаях может подойти разговорное что характерно. Но лучше, конечно, в свойственной ему манере или как обычно. Думаю, в двуязычном словаре для такого примера должно найтись место. Во-первых, он показывает идиоматичное употребление английского наречия. Во-вторых, подсказывает перевод.
    •• Наречия типа confusingly обычно не включаются в словари в качестве отдельной статьи. Считается, что перевод таких слов, как amazingly или startlingly, не должен вызывать трудностей, но это не всегда так. На конференции по товарным знакам встретилось выражение confusingly similar. В юридическом словаре есть confusion in trademarks – смешение товарных знаков. Соответственно confusingly similar – схожий/ аналогичный до степени смешения (принятый практиками перевод). Пожалуй, это стоит включить не только в специальный словарь.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > historical

  • 62 historically

    •• historic, historical, historically

    •• * Существование в английском языке двух слов – historic и historical – имеет два противоречащих друг другу следствия. Во-первых, в устной речи нередко смешение этих слов. Мне приходилось слышать, как о событии, еще не «ушедшем в историю» и даже еще не состоявшемся, говорили It is/ will be a/ an historical event. Конечно, правильнее в данном случае historic или history-making. Но и historical event тоже правильно в определенных контекстах:
    •• What historical event do you wish you could stop? If you could go back in time and prevent anything in history from having happened ( as opposed to just passively watching it happen), what particular incident in history would you most want to stop from happening and is there any reason why? (c сайта http://uplink.space.com).
    •• С другой стороны, иногда различие между этими словами существенно и должно учитываться переводчиком. Слово historical, как мне кажется, шире русского исторический, так как охватывает все, что имеет отношение к прошлому, а русское слово – только то, что говорящий интуитивно относит к «истории», т.е. к историческому процессу, «историческим судьбам» и т.п. Русское слово часто, хотя и не всегда, «возвышенней». Среди исключений – например, словосочетание историческая справка. И все же более «бытовой» характер английского слова позволяет употреблять его в тех ситуациях, где говорящий по-русски скорее всего скажет иначе.
    •• В выступлении Кондолисы Райс перед комиссией по расследованию событий 11 сентября это слово встретилось пять раз, плюс historically в значении, о котором будет сказано ниже:
    •• Historically, democratic societies have been slow to react to gathering threats, tending instead to wait to confront threats until they are too dangerous to ignore or until it is too late. – Исторический опыт (или просто опыт) свидетельствует о том, что...
    •• Далее Райс трижды употребляет это слово в отношении документа, представленного президенту Бушу 6 августа 2001 года (о возможных действиях «Аль-Каиды»):
    •• I was in a press conference to try and describe the Aug. 6 memo, which I’ve talked about here in the – my opening remarks and which I talked about with you in the private session. And I said at one point that this was a historical memo, that it was not based on new threat information. <...>
    •• It was not a particular threat report. And there was historical information in there about – about various aspects of al Qaeda’s operations. <...> It did not warn of attacks inside the United States. It was historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information. And it did not, in fact, warn of any coming attacks inside the United States.
    •• Один из членов комиссии (демократ) ухватился за эту формулировку:
    •• Well, did you not – you have indicated here that this was some historical document. And I am asking you whether it is not the case that you learned in the P.D.B. memo of Aug. 6 that the F.B.I. was saying that it had information suggesting that preparations, not historically, but ongoing, along with these numerous full field investigations against al Qaeda cells, that preparations were being made consistent with hijackings within the United States.
    •• Конечно, по-русски в данном случае просто невозможно сказать исторический документ, хотя можно – историческая справка, но предпочтительно все же, по-моему, справочный материал, справочная информация. В вопросе – not historically, but ongoing – возможен вариант не в историческом разрезе, а в текущем плане.
    •• Далее у Райс интересная оговорка, тут же исправленная:
    •• This was a historic memo – historical memo prepared by the agency because the president was asking questions about what we knew about the inside.
    •• Исправление оговорки – признак существенного различия двух слов. (Кстати, в качестве антонима historical появляется слово, неоднократно всплывавшее в ходе слушаний и не поддающееся однословному переводу, – actionable:
    •• The president was told this is historical information. I am told he was told this is historical information. And there was nothing actionable in this. The president knew that the F.B.I. was pursuing this issue. The president knew that the director of central intelligence was pursuing this issue. And there was no new threat information in this document to pursue.
    •• Actionable information – пока не могу предложить ничего кроме информация, требующая/ дающая основания для конкретных действий. Длинно.)
    •• Конечно, «оппозиция Его Величества» не замедлила поиграть со словом historical. Из редакционной статьи New York Times:
    •• The administration argument that it had only gotten intelligence about potential terrorist attacks abroad in the summer of 2001 was rather drastically undermined when Ms. Rice revealed, under questioning, that the briefing given Mr. Bush by the C.I.A. on Aug. 6, 2001, was titledBin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States.Ms. Rice continues to insist that the information was historicalrather than a warning of something likely to occur.
    •• Еще более хлестко (но абсолютно неизбежно, удержаться от игры слов невозможно):
    •• What should have made Condi hysterical, she deemedhistorical.” (Maureen Dowd)
    •• Последний пример, кстати, заставляет все-таки выбрать в переводе вариант историческая справка, чтобы попробовать передать игру слов, но все равно сделать это непросто:
    •• Информация, способная вызвать истерическую реакцию, для Конди – не более чем историческая справка.
    •• А теперь о наречии historically. Словари – как толковые, так и переводные, – как правило, не дают отдельного определения или перевода наречий с - ly, считая, что все и так ясно – их смысл и перевод вытекают из соответствующего прилагательного. Но это далеко не всегда так. В статье из New York Times, попавшей в обзор зарубежной прессы на радио «Эхо Москвы», встретилось: Iran has historically denied that it is pursuing a nuclear weapons program. Ведущая так и сказала: Иран исторически отрицал (и т.д.). Здесь, конечно, нужно просто всегда или неизменно. В некоторых случаях хорошо подойдет русское наречие традиционно: historically black colleges – традиционно негритянские колледжи (здесь это прилагательное, по-моему, вполне приемлемо), historically underutilized businesses – компании, традиционно недопредставленные среди подрядчиков, historically disadvantaged – традиционно находящиеся в тяжелом положении. Иногда подходящее русское соответствие – по многолетним наблюдениям ( This is not uncommon historically for the month of April). Наконец, контекст может подсказать и такой вариант, как беспрецедентно: Historically high growth in employment.
    •• Интересный пример из статьи У. Пфаффа в International Herald Tribune:
    •• Historically, in joint ventures with U.S. government and industry, U.S. security and proprietary restraints nearly always have forced the European partners into subordinate roles.
    •• Здесь самый лучший перевод – просто раньше, прежде.
    •• Слово historically, на мой взгляд, не является многозначным, у него одно довольно широкое и несколько расплывчатое значение, но в переводе оно начинает играть своими различными гранями. Разумеется, в приведенном выше примере возможен и перевод Исторически сложилось так, что...
    •• В отличие от historically наречие indefinitely дается в большинстве словарей (например, в БАРСе и ABBYY Lingvo) как отдельная словарная статья. Но упущено довольно частое употребление indefinitely в значении, близком к until further notice. Пример из New York Times:
    •• Thomas Krens, the foundation director, acknowledged as unrealistic the prospect of financing the $950 million project at a time when the museum is cutting budget, staff and programs. Beginning Sunday, for example, the Guggenheim Las Vegas is to go dark indefinitely.
    •• Перевод напрашивается: на неопределенный срок. Кстати, to go dark – есть ли это в словарях? Обычно так говорят, когда, скажем, музей, театр или web-сайт прерывают работу на некоторое время – с возможностью ее возобновления.
    •• Еще один пример интересного с точки зрения перевода и лексикографии употребления наречия (для контекста даю несколько предшествующих фраз):
    •• After months of inaction, I finally turned to former President Bush, who immediately interceded with Crown Prince Abdallah on the FBI’s behalf. <...> The Saudis immediately acceded. <...> Mr. Bush typically disclaimed any credit for his critical intervention, but he earned the gratitude of many FBI agents and the Khobar families. (American Justice for Khobar Heroes. By Louis J. Freeh. Wall Street Journal)
    •• Typically здесь нельзя переводить как типично или даже что для него типично. В каких-то случаях может подойти разговорное что характерно. Но лучше, конечно, в свойственной ему манере или как обычно. Думаю, в двуязычном словаре для такого примера должно найтись место. Во-первых, он показывает идиоматичное употребление английского наречия. Во-вторых, подсказывает перевод.
    •• Наречия типа confusingly обычно не включаются в словари в качестве отдельной статьи. Считается, что перевод таких слов, как amazingly или startlingly, не должен вызывать трудностей, но это не всегда так. На конференции по товарным знакам встретилось выражение confusingly similar. В юридическом словаре есть confusion in trademarks – смешение товарных знаков. Соответственно confusingly similar – схожий/ аналогичный до степени смешения (принятый практиками перевод). Пожалуй, это стоит включить не только в специальный словарь.

    English-Russian nonsystematic dictionary > historically

  • 63 Ford, Henry

    b. 30 July 1863 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    d. 7 April 1947 Dearborn, Michigan, USA
    American pioneer motor-car maker and developer of mass-production methods.
    He was the son of an Irish immigrant farmer, William Ford, and the oldest son to survive of Mary Litogot; his mother died in 1876 with the birth of her sixth child. He went to the village school, and at the age of 16 he was apprenticed to Flower brothers' machine shop and then at the Drydock \& Engineering Works in Detroit. In 1882 he left to return to the family farm and spent some time working with a 1 1/2 hp steam engine doing odd jobs for the farming community at $3 per day. He was then employed as a demonstrator for Westinghouse steam engines. He met Clara Jane Bryant at New Year 1885 and they were married on 11 April 1888. Their only child, Edsel Bryant Ford, was born on 6 November 1893.
    At that time Henry worked on steam engine repairs for the Edison Illuminating Company, where he became Chief Engineer. He became one of a group working to develop a "horseless carriage" in 1896 and in June completed his first vehicle, a "quadri cycle" with a two-cylinder engine. It was built in a brick shed, which had to be partially demolished to get the carriage out.
    Ford became involved in motor racing, at which he was more successful than he was in starting a car-manufacturing company. Several early ventures failed, until the Ford Motor Company of 1903. By October 1908 they had started with production of the Model T. The first, of which over 15 million were built up to the end of its production in May 1927, came out with bought-out steel stampings and a planetary gearbox, and had a one-piece four-cylinder block with a bolt-on head. This was one of the most successful models built by Ford or any other motor manufacturer in the life of the motor car.
    Interchangeability of components was an important element in Ford's philosophy. Ford was a pioneer in the use of vanadium steel for engine components. He adopted the principles of Frederick Taylor, the pioneer of time-and-motion study, and installed the world's first moving assembly line for the production of magnetos, started in 1913. He installed blast furnaces at the factory to make his own steel, and he also promoted research and the cultivation of the soya bean, from which a plastic was derived.
    In October 1913 he introduced the "Five Dollar Day", almost doubling the normal rate of pay. This was a profit-sharing scheme for his employees and contained an element of a reward for good behaviour. About this time he initiated work on an agricultural tractor, the "Fordson" made by a separate company, the directors of which were Henry and his son Edsel.
    In 1915 he chartered the Oscar II, a "peace ship", and with fifty-five delegates sailed for Europe a week before Christmas, docking at Oslo. Their objective was to appeal to all European Heads of State to stop the war. He had hoped to persuade manufacturers to replace armaments with tractors in their production programmes. In the event, Ford took to his bed in the hotel with a chill, stayed there for five days and then sailed for New York and home. He did, however, continue to finance the peace activists who remained in Europe. Back in America, he stood for election to the US Senate but was defeated. He was probably the father of John Dahlinger, illegitimate son of Evangeline Dahlinger, a stenographer employed by the firm and on whom he lavished gifts of cars, clothes and properties. He became the owner of a weekly newspaper, the Dearborn Independent, which became the medium for the expression of many of his more unorthodox ideas. He was involved in a lawsuit with the Chicago Tribune in 1919, during which he was cross-examined on his knowledge of American history: he is reputed to have said "History is bunk". What he actually said was, "History is bunk as it is taught in schools", a very different comment. The lawyers who thus made a fool of him would have been surprised if they could have foreseen the force and energy that their actions were to release. For years Ford employed a team of specialists to scour America and Europe for furniture, artefacts and relics of all kinds, illustrating various aspects of history. Starting with the Wayside Inn from South Sudbury, Massachusetts, buildings were bought, dismantled and moved, to be reconstructed in Greenfield Village, near Dearborn. The courthouse where Abraham Lincoln had practised law and the Ohio bicycle shop where the Wright brothers built their first primitive aeroplane were added to the farmhouse where the proprietor, Henry Ford, had been born. Replicas were made of Independence Hall, Congress Hall and the old City Hall in Philadelphia, and even a reconstruction of Edison's Menlo Park laboratory was installed. The Henry Ford museum was officially opened on 21 October 1929, on the fiftieth anniversary of Edison's invention of the incandescent bulb, but it continued to be a primary preoccupation of the great American car maker until his death.
    Henry Ford was also responsible for a number of aeronautical developments at the Ford Airport at Dearborn. He introduced the first use of radio to guide a commercial aircraft, the first regular airmail service in the United States. He also manufactured the country's first all-metal multi-engined plane, the Ford Tri-Motor.
    Edsel became President of the Ford Motor Company on his father's resignation from that position on 30 December 1918. Following the end of production in May 1927 of the Model T, the replacement Model A was not in production for another six months. During this period Henry Ford, though officially retired from the presidency of the company, repeatedly interfered and countermanded the orders of his son, ostensibly the man in charge. Edsel, who died of stomach cancer at his home at Grosse Point, Detroit, on 26 May 1943, was the father of Henry Ford II. Henry Ford died at his home, "Fair Lane", four years after his son's death.
    1922, with S.Crowther, My Life and Work, London: Heinemann.
    Further Reading
    R.Lacey, 1986, Ford, the Men and the Machine, London: Heinemann. W.C.Richards, 1948, The Last Billionaire, Henry Ford, New York: Charles Scribner.

    Biographical history of technology > Ford, Henry

  • 64 Rickover, Admiral Hyman George

    b. 27 January 1900 Russian Poland
    d. 8 July 1986 Arlington, Virginia, USA
    Polish/American naval officer, one of the principal architects of the United States nuclear submarine programme.
    Born in Poland, Rickover was brought to the United States early in his life by his father, who settled in Chicago as a tailor. Commissioned into the US Navy in 1922, he specialized in electrical engineering (graduating from the US Naval Postgraduate School, Columbia, in 1929), quali-fied as a Submariner in 1931 and then held various posts until appointed Head of the Electrical Section of the Bureau of Ships in 1939. He held this post until the end of the Second World War.
    Rickover was involved briefly in the "Manhattan" atomic bomb project before being assigned to an atomic energy submarine project in 1946. Ultimately he was made responsible for the development and building of the world's first nuclear submarine, the USS Nautilus. He was convinced of the need to make the nuclear submarine an instrument of strategic importance, and this led to the development of the ballistic missile submarine and the Polaris programme.
    Throughout his career he was no stranger to controversy; indeed, his remaining on the active service list as a full admiral until the age of 82 (when forced to retire on the direct intervention of the Navy Secretary) indicates a man beyond the ordinary. He imposed his will on all around him and backed it with a brilliant and clear-thinking brain; his influence was even felt by the Royal Navy during the building of the first British nuclear submarine, HMS Dreadnought. He made many friends, but he also had many detractors.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    US Distinguished Service Medal with Gold Star. Honorary CBE. US Congress Special Gold Medal 1959. Numerous awards and honorary degrees.
    Rickover wrote several treatises on education and on the education of engineers. He also wrote on several aspects of the technical history of the US Navy.
    Further Reading
    W.R.Anderson and C.Blair, 1959, Nautilus 90 North, London: Hodder \& Stoughton. E.L.Beach, 1986, The United States Navy, New York: Henry Holt.

    Biographical history of technology > Rickover, Admiral Hyman George

  • 65 Villard de Honnecourt

    b. c. 1200 Honnecourt-sur-Escaut, near Cambrai, France
    d. mid-13th century (?) France
    French architect-engineer.
    Villard was one of the thirteenth-century architect-engineers who were responsible for the design and construction of the great Gothic cathedrals and other churches of the time. Their responsibilities covered all aspects of the work, including (in the spirit of the Roman architect Vitruvius) the invention and construction of mechanical devices. In their time, these men were highly esteemed and richly rewarded, although few of the inscriptions paying tribute to their achievements have survived. Villard stands out among them because a substantial part of his sketchbook has survived, in the form of thirty-three parchment sheets of drawings and notes, now kept in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. Villard's professional career lasted roughly from 1225 to 1250. As a boy, he went to work on the building of the Cistercian monastery at Vaucelles, not far from Honnecourt, and afterwards he was apprenticed to the masons' lodge at Cambrai Cathedral, where he began copying the drawings and layouts on the tracing-house floor. All his drawings are, therefore, of the plans, elevations and sections of cathedrals. These buildings have long since been destroyed, but his drawings, perhaps among his earliest, bear witness to their architecture. He travelled widely in France and recorded features of the great works at Reims, Laon and Chartres. These include the complex system of passageways built into the fabric of a great cathedral; Villard comments that one of their purposes was "to allow circulation in case of fire".
    Villard was invited to Hungary and reached there c. 1235. He may have been responsible for the edifice dedicated to St Elizabeth of Hungary, canonized in 1235, at Kassa (now Košice, Slovakia). Villard probably returned to France c. 1240, at least before the Tartar invasion of Hungary in 1241.
    His sketchbook, which dates to c. 1235, stands as a memorial to Villard's skill as a draughtsman, a student of perspective and a mechanical engineer. He took his sketchbook with him on his travels, and used ideas from it in his work abroad. It contains architectural designs, geometrical constructions for use in building, surveying exercises and drawings for various kinds of mechanical devices, for civil or military use. He was transmitting details from the highly developed French Gothic masons to the relatively underdeveloped eastern countries. The notebooks were annotated for the use of pupils and other master masons, and the notes on geometry were obviously intended for pupils. The prize examples are the pages in the book, clearly Villard's own work, related to mechanical devices. Whilst he, like many others of the period and after, played with designs for perpetual-motion machines, he concentrated on useful devices. These included the first Western representation of a perpetualmotion machine, which at least displays a concern to derive a source of energy: this was a water-powered sawmill, with automatic feed of the timber into the mill. This has been described as the first industrial automatic power-machine to involve two motions, for it not only converts the rotary motion of the water-wheel to the reciprocating motion of the saw, but incorporates a means of keeping the log pressed against the saw. His other designs included water-wheels, watermills, the Archimedean screw and other curious devices.
    Of several facsimile reprints with notes there are Album de Villard de Honnecourt, 1858, ed. J.B.Lassus, Paris (repr. 1968, Paris: Laget), and The Sketchbook of Villard de Honnecourt, 1959, ed. T.Bowie, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
    Further Reading
    J.Gimpel, 1977, "Villard de Honnecourt: architect and engineer", The Medieval Machine, London: Victor Gollancz, ch. 6, pp. 114–46.
    ——1988, The Medieval Machine, the Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages, London.
    R.Pernord, J.Gimpel and R.Delatouche, 1986, Le Moyen age pour quoi fayre, Paris.
    KM / LRD

    Biographical history of technology > Villard de Honnecourt

  • 66 business

    1) дело, занятие

    I am sick and tired of the whole business! — Мне все это осточертело! /Мне все это надоело!

    I wash my hands of the whole business. — Я умываю руки и не хочу иметь ничего общего с этой историей!

    That's her business. — Это ее личное дело.

    That's not my business! — Это меня не касается. /, то не мое дело.

    Let me worry about my business. — Я сам разберусь со своими делами.

    I am pressed with/by business. — Я завален работой.

    - important business
    - serious business
    - strange business
    - troublesome business
    - risky business
    - urgent business
    - nasty business
    - dirty business
    - complicated business
    - some unfinished business
    - delicate business
    - other business
    - executive business
    - everyday business
    - stop-gap business
    - touch-and-go business
    - fascinating business
    - other people's business
    - smb's business
    - business conversation
    - business letter
    - business meeting
    - business life
    - first main business of life
    - business of a doctor
    - journey on business
    - no admittance except on business
    - matter of business
    - man of business
    - man of no particular business
    - on government business
    - with no particalar business
    - on business of importance
    - on business about the election
    - on the company's business
    - come on business
    - come on a particular business
    - have an important business on hand
    - proceed with the business of the day
    - know one's business
    - stick to attend to take to one's businesses
    - make it one's own business
    - state one's business
    - mind one's own business
    - send smb about his business
    - have no business to ask such questions
    - clear up the remaining business
    - undertake the business
    - complete the business
    - know the business inside out
    - make business a pleasure
    - neglect business
    - talk business
    - mean business
    - make a business of travel
    - prefer business to law
    - travel for business
    - mix business with pleasure
    - get down to business
    2) предпринимательство, торговая деятельность, коммерческая деятельность, торговля

    No business on account of holiday. — В праздники магазины не работают/не торгуют.

    All business is stopped by strickes. — Все коммерческие операции приостановлены из-за забастовок.

    We have gone through a lot of business. — Мы заключили ряд торговых сделок. /Мы решили ряд дел.

    It will bring in more business. — Это расширит торговлю.

    We shut up business at five. — Мы закрываемся в пять.

    - local business
    - profitable business
    - wholesale business
    - big business
    - private business
    - small business
    - cash business
    - commission business
    - overseas business
    - business relations
    - business agreement
    - business transaction
    - business carrer
    - businessman
    - business part of the town
    - smb's line of business
    - various aspects of business
    - present state of business
    - lull in business
    - partner in business
    - connections in business
    - on commercial business
    - do business in cotton
    - do business in smb's name
    - handle routine business
    - hamper business
    - be in business
    - go into business
    - have a good head for business
    - conduct business on cash bassis
    - affect business
    - promote business
    - reduce the scope of business
    - do on conduct big business
    - do fair business
    - have skill in business
    - do business with this firm
    - build up business with this country
    - prefer business to medicine
    - start a small business with silk goods
    - resume business
    - negotiate business
    - make the business a success
    - accept business on these terms
    - be connected in business
    - be out of business
    - close business for the Christmas holiday
    - do much business with smb
    - business as usual
    - business is good
    - business is slow
    - business expands
    - business is steadily shrinking
    - business dropped off in the retail stores
    - business goes on as usual
    3) предприятие, дело, фирма

    The business of the company has been transfered. — Фирма/контора этой компании переведена.

    He is a manager of two different businesses. — Он директор двух разных фирм.

    It is too expensive for my class of business. — Это слишком дорого для фирмы моего типа.

    Business before pleasure. — Делу время, потехе час.

    Business is business. — Дело есть дело.

    Everybody's business is nobody's business. — У семи нянек дитя без глазу.

    Hit-or-miss business. — Либо пан, либо пропал

    - advertizing business
    - trading business
    - legitimate business
    - paying business
    - one-man business
    - show business
    - export business
    - travel business
    - banking business
    - electric lighting business
    - ruined business
    - business interests
    - business address
    - business hours
    - business suit
    - business connected with banks
    - business of one's own
    - business of a quarter of million dollars
    - order of business
    - for business reasons
    - set up a business as a grocer
    - lose money by the business
    - enter smb's business
    - buy out a business
    - establish a small business
    - start a small business
    - build up a small business
    - carry on business
    - run a business
    - head a business
    - wreck smb's business
    - curtail one's business
    - set up a private detective business
    - be in the hotel business
    - succeed to the family business
    - put money into a business
    - be in business with one's father
    - enter one's father's business
    - absorb the business of the old company
    - advertize many small businesses for sale
    - do business through another house
    - take the business in hand
    - have a business
    - own a business
    - run one's business
    - sell out one's business
    - give up one's business
    - handle one's business
    - lose business
    - put one's business into smb's hands
    - move the business to the centre
    - business prospers

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > business

  • 67 Schrötter, Anton von

    SUBJECT AREA: Chemical technology
    b. 26 November 1802 Olmütz, Austria (now Olomouc, Czech Republic)
    d. 15 April 1875 Vienna, Austria
    Austrian scientist known particularly for his discovery in 1845 of red phosphorus, which led to the later development of the safety match.
    Anton von Schrötter was the son of an apothecary. At the age of 20 he began his studies at the University of Vienna, first in medicine but later in science and mathematics. He specialized in chemistry and then set up a laboratory in Graz. From 1843 he was a professor of chemistry at the Technische Hochschule in Vienna. Von Schrötter published many papers on various aspects of chemistry, particularly in the field of metallurgy, but it was his demonstration at the Vienna Academy in 1847, which showed that red phosphorus was truly an allotropie form of the element phosphorus, that made him best known. His suggestion that it would be advisable to use such amorphous phosphorus in match manufacture led to Lundström's later development of the safety match and ended the appalling toll that had long been taken on the health of match-factory workers, many of whom had suffered maiming and even death caused by white phosphorus entering the body via defective teeth when they sucked match-heads.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    Académie Française Prix Montyon 1856. Légion d'Honneur at Paris Exhibition 1855. General Secretary, Vienna Academy of Sciences 1850–75.
    Further Reading
    Moritz Kohn, 1944, "The discovery of red phosphorus (1847)", Journal of Chemical Education 21.
    1975, Dictionary of Science Biography, New York: Charles Scribner.

    Biographical history of technology > Schrötter, Anton von

  • 68 ἐμβατεύω

    ἐμβατεύω (ἐν + βαίνω; Aeschyl. et al.; ins; pap; LXX; TestSol 1, 1 D ἐμβαπτεύσας) is found in our lit. only Col 2:18 ἃ ἑόρακεν ἐμβατεύων, a passage whose interpr. is much disputed. The word ranges in mng. as follows:
    set foot upon, enter, visit (since Aeschyl, Pers. 449; Jos., Ant. 2, 265; 1 Macc 12:25; 13:20 al.) e.g., an oracular chamber, s. FFrancis, The Background of EMBATEUEIN (Col 2:18) in Legal Papyri and Oracle Inscriptions: Conflict at Colossae, ed., FFrancis and WMeeks ’73, 197–207, esp. 201. S. 4 below. The phrase ἁ ἑόρακεν ἐμβατεύων could then = entering an oracle for interpretation of what he has seen.
    come into possession of, acquire (Eur., Demosth., pap), even by force (Jos 19:49, 51).
    investigate closely, enter into a subj., to investigate it closely, go into detail (2 Macc 2:30; Philo, Plant. 80 Wendl. v.l.), hence in Col 2:18 prob. entering at length upon the tale of what one has seen in a vision (ANock, JBL 52, ’33, 132) and thus justifying the approach taken to heavenly messengers.
    Three ins of Asia Minor [II A.D.], which refer to the Apollo of Klaros (the wording in question is found in MDibelius, D. Isisweihe bei Apuleius=SAHeidelberg 1917, 4 p. 33f; one of these ins also in OGI 530; cp. ln. 15), show that ἐ. was applied to aspects of the mystery religions. Various views have been presented: one who enters (the sanctuary) which he saw (in ecstasy) (s. also Clemen 340f) or taking his stand on what he has seen in the mysteries (M-M). AFridrichsen, ZNW 21, 1922, 135–37 connects the words w. what follows: puffed up without reason by what he saw when he was initiated (but s. VLeinieks, The City of Dionysos, ’96, 145: ἐνεβάτευσεν in the Klaros ins does not mean ‘entered the mysteries’ but rather ‘entered the oracular chamber for consultation’ [citing Francis, s. 1 above]; s. also Nock, cited in 3). Cp. RYates, ET 97, ’85, 12–15 (participation in angelic liturgy).—Field, Notes 197f; SEitrem, Studia Theologica 2, ’48, 90–94; SLyonnet, Col 2:18 et les mystères de Apollon Clarien, Biblica 43, ’62, 417–35: ‘investigate, examine thoroughly’. For a summary of views s. Hermeneia comm., Col. and Phlm, ’71, 118–21.—The conviction that the text must be corrupt led to var. conjectures (their history in RHarris, Sidelights on NT Research 1909, 198f).—DELG s.v. βαίνω p. 157. M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > ἐμβατεύω

  • 69 К-259

    КОНЦЫ С КОНЦАМИ HE СХОДЯТСЯ ( VP subj. the verb may take the initial position, otherwise fixed WO
    1. \К-259 (у кого) coll. Also: КОНЦЫ С КОНЦАМИ едва (еле-еле и т. п.) СХОДЯТСЯ coll one can barely support himself (and his family) on the money he has, earns etc: у X-a концы с концами не сходятся ' X can barely make (has trouble making etc) ends meet
    X can barely keep his head above water X can barely keep body and soul together.
    Семья у нас большая, работает только муж, концы с концами не сходятся. We have a big family and only my husband works, so we have trouble making ends meet.
    2. - (в чём) there is a contradiction, a lack of necessary agreement between various aspects of some matter, lines of argumentation etc
    it doesn't add up
    there are a lot of loose ends it doesn't (all) fit together it's full of holes (in refer, to a story) it doesn't hang together.
    Сначала он (Виктор) всё ожидал удара по затылку, прямо по желваку... а потом решил: вряд ли. Концы с концами не сходились (Стругацкие 1). At first he (Victor) kept on waiting for a blow on the back of his head, right on his lump, then he decided it was unlikely. It didn't fit together (1a).
    Он утверждает, что не виноват, но в его рассказах концы с концами не сходятся (Марченко 2). According to him, he was innocent, but his story did not hang together (2a).
    3. the final results of a calculation ( usu. of receipts and expenditures, debits and credits etc) are not what they should be, are not as expected
    the accounts do not balance (out)
    it doesn't add up.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-259

  • 70 концы с концами

    [VPsubj; the verb may take the initial position, otherwise fixed WO]
    1. концы с концами кого) coll. Also: КОНЦЫ С КОНЦАМИ едва (еле-еле и т. п.) СХОДЯТСЯ coll one can barely support himself (and his family) on the money he has, earns etc: у X-a концы с концами не сходятся X can barely make (has trouble making etc) ends meet; X can barely keep his head above water; X can barely keep body and soul together.
         ♦ Семья у нас большая, работает только муж, концы с концами не сходятся. We have a big family and only my husband works, so we have trouble making ends meet.
    2. концы с концами (в чём) there is a contradiction, a lack of necessary agreement between various aspects of some matter, lines of argumentation etc:
    - [in refer, to a story] it doesn't hang together.
         ♦ Сначала он [Виктор] всё ожидал удара по затылку, прямо по желваку... а потом решил: вряд ли. Концы с концами не сходились (Стругацкие 1). At first he [Victor] kept on waiting for a blow on the back of his head, right on his lump, then he decided it was unlikely. It didn't fit together (1a).
         ♦ Он утверждает, что не виноват, но в его рассказах концы с концами не сходятся (Марченко 2). According to him, he was innocent, but his story did not hang together (2a).
    3. the final results of a calculation (usu. of receipts and expenditures, debits and credits etc) are not what they should be, are not as expected:
    - it doesn't add up.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > концы с концами

  • 71 концы с концами не сходятся

    [VPsubj; the verb may take the initial position, otherwise fixed WO]
    1. концы с концами не сходятся кого) coll. Also: КОНЦЫ С КОНЦАМИ едва (еле-еле и т. п.) СХОДЯТСЯ coll one can barely support himself (and his family) on the money he has, earns etc: у X-a концы с концами не сходятся X can barely make (has trouble making etc) ends meet; X can barely keep his head above water; X can barely keep body and soul together.
         ♦ Семья у нас большая, работает только муж, концы с концами не сходятся. We have a big family and only my husband works, so we have trouble making ends meet.
    2. концы с концами не сходятся (в чём) there is a contradiction, a lack of necessary agreement between various aspects of some matter, lines of argumentation etc:
    - [in refer, to a story] it doesn't hang together.
         ♦ Сначала он [Виктор] всё ожидал удара по затылку, прямо по желваку... а потом решил: вряд ли. Концы с концами не сходились (Стругацкие 1). At first he [Victor] kept on waiting for a blow on the back of his head, right on his lump, then he decided it was unlikely. It didn't fit together (1a).
         ♦ Он утверждает, что не виноват, но в его рассказах концы с концами не сходятся (Марченко 2). According to him, he was innocent, but his story did not hang together (2a).
    3. the final results of a calculation (usu. of receipts and expenditures, debits and credits etc) are not what they should be, are not as expected:
    - it doesn't add up.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > концы с концами не сходятся

  • 72 концы с концами сходятся

    [VPsubj; the verb may take the initial position, otherwise fixed WO]
    1. концы с концами сходятся кого) coll. Also: КОНЦЫ С КОНЦАМИ едва (еле-еле и т. п.) СХОДЯТСЯ coll one can barely support himself (and his family) on the money he has, earns etc: у X-a концы с концами не сходятся X can barely make (has trouble making etc) ends meet; X can barely keep his head above water; X can barely keep body and soul together.
         ♦ Семья у нас большая, работает только муж, концы с концами не сходятся. We have a big family and only my husband works, so we have trouble making ends meet.
    2. концы с концами сходятся (в чём) there is a contradiction, a lack of necessary agreement between various aspects of some matter, lines of argumentation etc:
    - [in refer, to a story] it doesn't hang together.
         ♦ Сначала он [Виктор] всё ожидал удара по затылку, прямо по желваку... а потом решил: вряд ли. Концы с концами не сходились (Стругацкие 1). At first he [Victor] kept on waiting for a blow on the back of his head, right on his lump, then he decided it was unlikely. It didn't fit together (1a).
         ♦ Он утверждает, что не виноват, но в его рассказах концы с концами не сходятся (Марченко 2). According to him, he was innocent, but his story did not hang together (2a).
    3. the final results of a calculation (usu. of receipts and expenditures, debits and credits etc) are not what they should be, are not as expected:
    - it doesn't add up.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > концы с концами сходятся

  • 73 воздействие загрязнения

    1. Auswirkung der Verunreinigung


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Русско-немецкий словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > воздействие загрязнения

  • 74 effet de pollution

    1. воздействие загрязнения


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Франко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > effet de pollution

  • 75 Auswirkung der Verunreinigung

    1. воздействие загрязнения


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Немецко-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > Auswirkung der Verunreinigung

  • 76 воздействие загрязнения

    1. pollution effect


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > воздействие загрязнения

  • 77 воздействие загрязнения

    1. effet de pollution


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Русско-французский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > воздействие загрязнения

  • 78 pollution effect

    1. воздействие загрязнения
    2. влияние загрязнения (на окружающую среду)


    воздействие загрязнения

    [ http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en]


    pollution effect
    The main pollution effects concern human health and cover all aspects of the physical environment - air, water and land, including the effects of climate change. Human activities which are sources of pollution arise from domestic, commercial, industrial and military sectors and their effects are influenced by various issues, trends and public sector programmes, such as safe water and food, management of waste, increasing use of chemicals in agriculture, and urbanization. Types of pollutants which are negatively impacting health include litter, toxic chemicals, nuclear waste, lead, spoil from mining, food and water contaminants; and the polluting effects of over-population. (Source: WPR)





    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > pollution effect

  • 79 expected

    Used in relation to various aspects of performance (e.g. rate or gradient of climb), this term means the standard performance for the type, in the relevant conditions (e.g. mass, altitude and temperature).
    (AN 6/I)
    Примeнитeльнo к рaзличным пaрaмeтрaм лётнo-тeхничeских хaрaктeристик (нaпримeр, вeртикaльнaя скoрoсть или грaдиeнт нaбoрa высoты) этoт тeрмин oзнaчaeт стaндaртныe лётнo-тeхничeскиe хaрaктeристики для кoнкрeтнoгo типa сaмoлётa при соответствующих условиях (например, масса, абсолютная высота и температура).

    International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > expected

  • 80 расчётный

    Примeнитeльнo к рaзличным пaрaмeтрaм лётнo-тeхничeских хaрaктeристик (нaпримeр, вeртикaльнaя скoрoсть или грaдиeнт нaбoрa высoты) этoт тeрмин oзнaчaeт стaндaртныe лётнo-тeхничeскиe хaрaктeристики для кoнкрeтнoгo типa сaмoлётa при соответствующих условиях (например, масса, абсолютная высота и температура).
    Used in relation to various aspects of performance (e.g. rate or gradient of climb), this term means the standard performance for the type, in the relevant conditions (e.g. mass, altitude and temperature).
    (AN 6/I)

    Русско-английский словарь международной организации гражданской авиации > расчётный

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